Haschalas Gemara is always an exciting time in the life of a talmid. Mazel tov to our fifth graders and their Rabbeim on this monumental milestone. May this be the beginning of many more milestones as they continue their journey to become talmidei chachamim!
The verdict is in! Can a sixth grader remember what he learned in fifth grade and recite last year’s shakla vetaria, Gemara dialogue by heart?! Yes, as was evident by Aharon Finegold who returned to Rabbi Elias’ class to share his knowledge with this year’s fifth grade! Great job, Aharon (see bottom right).
With the presence and participation of four generations of the Knapp/Senser/Bennett/ Lipton family, Mrs. Frances Senser and Mrs. Arelene Bennett unveiled the plaque which dedicates the Avraham Shalom Knapp Educational Wing of the Yeshiva Ketana division. The meaningful dedication perpetuates the memory of the unforgettable Mr. Stanley Knapp, z”l, a dear friend and benefactor of the Academy who was deeply committed to Jewish education. We remember this extraordinary individual and his visits to our halls and classrooms which brought him much satisfaction towards the end of his life. Yehi zichro baruch.